Kendriya Vidyalaya in Udupi District of Karnataka State started functioning in 2015. Since the inception, this school is functioning in a temporary building due to which the area allotted to the school library is not sufficient for an ideal school library. Even though the School managed to arrange a separate room for the school library. Apart from that, a decent collection of books and other reading materials for the students as well as teachers are also available in the library.As on date vidyalaya library consist of more than 2300 different titled books which are suitable for all the students from classes 1 to10 and for teachers and staffs too. The library also subscribed daily news papers in three languages ie; Kannada, Hindi and English. 14 different magazines in Hindi and English are also subscribed for the benefit of its users. These are useful for promoting reading habits among primary as well as secondary class students. For promoting digital reading, KV Udupi library’s own Library Blog is also functioning ( This is regularly updated and different type of Library Activities are also promoted through this blog. Library is using e granthalaya software to keep the records of the library. Students are encouraged to read more from school library as well as through digital platforms also. Library Activities for students are also conducted as per ALAP (Annual Library Activity Plan).In near future, the school will be shifted to the permanent school building and it will allow the users more convenience in using the school library to its optimum.